Dr. Lon's Amazing Science Magic Show consists of interactive, ooh-inspiring demonstrations that may seem "magical" but are actually rooted in laws of science, rather than illusions. Consequently, the show is not only fun and engaging, the participants will also leave with a deeper appreciation for the mysterious and wondrous universe we live in ... regardless of their age!

Active Engagement Makes ALL the Difference
In a conventional magic show the audience members are often spectators. But in Dr. Lon's Amazing Science Magic Show the audience members are active participants. In fact, much of the fun comes from the participants laughing at each other as they engage in the demonstrations and play along with Dr. Lon's banter.

Make Science Come Alive!
The days of boring science are over ... and Dr. Lon's Amazing Science Magic Show is in tune with the times! The show not only makes science come alive, it makes it fun and exciting. As an added benefit the show can stimulate young people's interest in science -- which can have a direct impact on their school performance, critical thinking skills ... and for some, their direction in life.

A Show for All ... and for All Occasions
The show can be customized for the occasion as well as the age group. Here are examples:

  • A special, out-of-the-ordinary birthday party for bright and inquisitive kids
  • A fun and engaging library program for kids 6-8 year old
  • A school assembly for 9-12 year old pre-teens to foster interest in science
  • A show for teens as part of a science class or to inspire ideas for a science fair
  • A lively, playful show for "adult kids" at a party, retreat, trade show, or club event ... a hands-on show where they will not only have fun with the demonstrations, they will also laugh at each other

​See our Services page for details about the variety of shows that are available.

Dr. Lon Will Be Your Guide from Awe ... to Aha!

Dr. Lon has a passion for making science come alive—making it fun, exciting and relevant for kids and adults alike. But his passion is also backed by many years of experience as an educator, engineer, technical manager, and public speaker. Dr. Lon is also an engaging storyteller and is the author of the children’s book, Where Do Magical Banjos Come From? 

Serving Dallas/Ft. Worth & Vicinities | 214-923-7623 | Email: DrLon.sciencefunguy@gmail.com

​​Copyright 2016. All rights reserved.

Dr. Lon's Amazing


​​​Science Magic Show